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Wrike Review - Pros, Cons, and Features

March 29, 2024

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Wrike: Refreshing the Management Tool Market


Highly customizable
Many software integrations
Comprehensive features and integrations


Steep learning curve
May slow with large projects
Higher cost for advanced features


Starts at $9.80 per user per month


Selecting the right project management software can help with business workflow and enhance team productivity. Wrike is a popular choice for many businesses, offering a range of features that cater to various project management needs. It includes collaborative editing, task scheduling, and advanced analytics, making it a comprehensive tool for managing complex projects.

However, every tool has its advantages and limitations, and Wrike is no exception. Organizations considering Wrike have to know its pros and cons to determine if it aligns with their specific requirements. It is also essential to examine how Wrike's pricing structure fits into the company's budget, as costs can vary based on the plan and team size.

What is Wrike?

Wrike is a versatile project management and collaboration platform that serves a wide range of business sizes and types. It facilitates planning, streamlining, and execution of projects by providing tools that enhance teamwork, task management, and productivity.

wrike review

The platform offers a structured interface with a three-pane view to help users organize and prioritize work efficiently. With features such as forms for task requests and analytics for data visualization, Wrike aims to simplify the complexities of project management. They also provide advanced tools, but these are typically available in higher-tier plans.

Pricing for Wrike varies, ensuring that organizations can select a package that suits their budget and requirements. The Business plan, for instance, is reported to be at $24.80 per user per month, offering a balance of capabilities and cost.

Core Features of Wrike

Wrike's project management software offers robust functionality designed to enhance productivity and collaboration within organizations. Its comprehensive set of tools addresses a range of project management needs.

Task Management System

The Task Management System in Wrike allows users to create, assign, and schedule tasks with ease. Each task can be defined with its respective deadlines, and users are able to track progress through various stages. The system affords a high degree of visibility, enabling team members to stay informed on the specifics of each task's status.

Real-Time Collaboration

Wrike excels in facilitating Real-Time Collaboration between team members. The platform supports instant communication, file sharing, and document editing, ensuring that team members are always up to date. This feature enables teams to address issues promptly and make decisions quickly, keeping projects moving forward efficiently.

Customizable Workflows

Customizable Workflows are a standout feature of Wrike, allowing teams to tailor the project management experience to their specific processes. By enabling the creation of custom statuses and workflows, Wrike adapts to various project types and team sizes, leading to improved management practices and outcomes.

Integrated Time Tracking

With Integrated Time Tracking, Wrike provides insights into how much time is spent on each task and project. This feature is instrumental for project budgeting, invoicing, and assessing productivity. It also aids in identifying areas where efficiencies can be gained. Time tracking within Wrike is simple yet powerful, offering clarity and control over time management.

Wrike Review

Usability and Interface Design

Wrike's platform is recognized for its attention to user experience, with a focus on creating an environment that is both appealing and functional for its users.

User-Friendly Interface

Wrike's interface is noted for being intuitive and modern. It is designed to seamlessly accommodate both novice users and seasoned project managers by providing easy navigation and a clean aesthetic that minimizes the learning curve. First-time users are likely to appreciate the straightforward design that puts project visibility at the forefront.

Dashboard Customization

The ability to personalize the dashboard means that users can tailor their workspace to match the specific needs of their projects. Wrike offers customizable dashboards that display projects, tasks, and spaces all in one place. This flexibility allows for a more efficient workflow, as users can have immediate access to the most relevant information and tools.

Navigation Efficiency

Wrike's navigation is structured to enhance productivity by providing quick access to different areas of the application. The platform includes a variety of views such as calendar views, time tracking, and customizable reports, all accessible with minimal clicks, thus supporting an efficient project management experience.

The streamlined navigation aims to reduce time spent searching for features so that users can focus more on the core aspects of their work.

Wrike Reviews

Integration and Compatibility

The performance of project management software largely depends on its ability to seamlessly integrate with other tools and provide robust API access. Wrike excels in these areas, offering extensive options for connectivity and customization.

Third-Party Integrations

Wrike's platform enables efficient workflows through its compatibility with various third-party applications. Users can integrate with a range of CRM software solutions, enhancing customer relationship management by streamlining data exchange between systems.

Furthermore, this connectivity supports comprehensive data management strategies, allowing businesses to align project management with broader organizational goals.

API Access

Wrike provides detailed API documentation that developers can leverage to create custom integrations. This access is particularly beneficial for businesses pursuing master data management, as it allows for tailored solutions that match the company's specific needs. The API's flexibility also caters to small businesses seeking custom CRM software integration, ensuring Wrike can adapt to various business scales and requirements.

Wrike Review pros

Security and Compliance

Wrike takes the security of digital assets seriously, offering robust features to protect project data. One notable aspect is the implementation of two-factor authentication, which adds an extra layer of security beyond a standard password. Wrike's security approach aligns well with best practices for securing and backing up data online, ensuring that sensitive information is safeguarded.

For businesses concerned with data compliance, Wrike offers a 360-degree security strategy. This includes adherence to various compliance frameworks essential for enterprises operating in regulated industries. As data breaches continue to pose a threat, a reliable cybersecurity strategy becomes increasingly important for any project management tool.

Lastly, Wrike provides options for data encryption, which are critical for maintaining data privacy. This, coupled with comprehensive strategies for data encryption appropriate for businesses, makes Wrike a secure choice for managing projects. Wrike's commitment to security and compliance fosters trust with its users, ensuring peace of mind when it comes to protecting their digital workspaces.

Wrike Review cons

Collaboration Tools

Wrike's collaboration tools are designed to enhance team interaction and streamline project communication. They include robust document sharing capabilities and commenting features to support collective efforts.

Document Sharing

Wrike enables teams to share documents effortlessly within the platform. It supports a range of file formats, ensuring that materials are accessible to all team members. Document sharing is made secure with permission settings, which allow administrators to control who can view and edit files.

Commenting Features

Alongside document sharing, Wrike offers a structured commenting system. Users can leave feedback directly on tasks and documents, which helps in tracking conversations and decisions related to project development. The tool also provides notifications to keep team members informed of new comments and updates.

Wrike pros

Performance and Reliability

Wrike's performance is highly regarded in the field of project management tools. The platform is designed to handle a high volume of tasks and data, making it reliable for teams requiring robust project tracking. This reliability ensures that deadlines are met and tasks are managed efficiently.

The platform's uptime is notable, assuring users that they can access their projects without significant downtime. Regular software updates improve functionality and security, contributing to Wrike's stable performance. These updates are seamless, aiming to enhance user experience without causing disruptions.

Features like real-time data synchronization across devices enhance Wrike's performance. Teams can expect up-to-date information across all their devices, which is critical for remote collaboration. Wrike's reliability is underpinned by consistent performance across various operating systems and devices.

Wrike cons

Pricing Structure

Wrike's pricing model is designed to accommodate a range of business needs through various subscription tiers, including a free option. Each tier offers a different set of features and capabilities to align with the size and scope of the project management requirements.

Subscription Tiers

  • Free Plan: Supports a small team of up to 5 users with basic task management functionality.

  • Team Plan: At $9.80 per user per month, this tier includes full project planning and collaboration tools.

  • Business Plan: Priced at $24.80 per user per month, users gain access to advanced project management tools, including time tracking and calendar views.

The tiers progress up to higher-end enterprise options, with more advanced features matching the increasing price points. Users should select a plan that aligns with their team's size and needs.

Free Trial Options

Wrike provides options for a free trial, allowing users to test the platform before committing to a subscription. Wrike's free trial gives potential customers the opportunity to explore the software's interface, usability, and feature set within a limited time frame. This option lets teams evaluate the tool's effectiveness in supporting their project management processes before making a financial investment.

Wrike Review online

User Training and Support

Wrike provides comprehensive user training and support options designed to help teams maximize their use of the project management tool. From detailed onboarding processes to a variety of accessible resources, users are equipped with the necessary tools to navigate the software efficiently.

Onboarding Process

The onboarding process for Wrike is structured to facilitate ease of use from the outset. New users are introduced to the platform through a series of interactive guides and tutorials. These resources aim to bring team members up to speed on how to maximize the software's functionality for project management and team collaboration.

Resource Availability

Wrike's commitment to user support is evident in their range of resource availability. Users have access to a robust help center, which includes web forms, callback requests, and help from customer support. For further self-assistance, Wrike offers a community forum and training videos, ensuring that users can find answers to their questions and enhance their skills at their convenience.

Wrike Review blog

Advantages of Wrike

Wrike's project management tools offer a host of benefits designed to streamline workflow and enhance team collaboration. These advantages position it as a competitive choice for organizational and productivity needs.

Efficiency Improvements

Wrike allows teams to manage projects effectively with time-saving features. The platform includes dynamic Gantt charts for visual timeline management, allowing users to see the progression of tasks and adjust schedules interactively. Features like time tracking enable a precise measurement of project duration and individual contribution, which can be critical for budgeting and resource allocation.

Collaborative Advantages

The platform promotes better teamwork through its collaborative features. For example, Wrike facilitates document sharing, task discussions, and real-time editing, fostering an environment where information can be exchanged quickly and transparently. It also offers tailored access roles, ranging from full to read-only permissions, to allow various degrees of participation for team members, thereby maintaining control while optimizing collaborative efforts.

Wrike good

Limitations and Drawbacks

Wrike's access role limitations may present challenges in large organizations looking for high customizability. While the platform offers roles such as Full, Editor, Limited, and Read-Only, organizations with complex hierarchies may find the four default access roles restrictive. The Enterprise plan extends this to up to 10 roles, offering greater flexibility, yet it may not satisfy all enterprise needs.

Pricing can be a barrier for smaller teams seeking advanced features. Teams might consider the Business plan, which provides various project management tools including calendar views and time tracking, at a cost of $24.80 per user per month, a price point which could be high for small businesses or startups. Additionally, despite Wrike offering a free version, it's noted to be quite limited in functionality when compared to other platforms.

User experience varies, with some finding Wrike's interface to be less intuitive than competitors', potentially leading to a steeper learning curve. Feedback from users indicates that it may require a period of adjustment to effectively navigate the three-pane view and utilize other features to their full potential. This could result in slower onboarding of team members and an initial decrease in productivity.

Wrike today

Final Thoughts

Wrike stands out as a comprehensive project management tool tailored to teams seeking organized and flexible work management. It offers a range of features such as customizable workflows, real-time updates, and deep analytics to help teams stay efficient and on track. With the ability to handle complex project needs, the platform caters to a variety of users, from freelancers to large enterprises.

Several pricing plans make Wrike accessible, including a free tier for small teams and multiple paid options that deliver enhanced functionalities. The transparency in pricing for the initial plans confirms the platform’s commitment to providing value at different levels of investment. However, for more expansive requirements, potential users must engage with sales to receive customized pricing.

As they navigate through the tool, users can depend on robust support through various access roles and permissions, ensuring secure collaboration. Despite its vast capabilities, some may find the tool’s range somewhat overwhelming, necessitating a certain degree of learning to fully leverage the system. Wrike’s provision of both desktop and mobile apps facilitates seamless project management across devices, underscoring its overall effectiveness as a robust solution for project collaboration and execution.

Wrike reviews today

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s address common inquiries people have about Wrike, touching on its advantages, potential limitations, functionality, cost, user insights, and scenarios where it might not be the ideal project management solution.

What are the main benefits of using Wrike for project management?

Wrike offers access roles such as Full, Editor, Limited, and Read-Only to manage team permissions effectively. Its features facilitate efficient project tracking and resource management, which are beneficial for maintaining project timelines and collaboration.

Can you outline the primary drawbacks of Wrike software?

Some users have found Wrike to have a steep learning curve and can be overwhelming due to its extensive features. Additionally, the cost could be a deterrent for smaller teams or organizations with a limited budget.

How does Wrike's feature set compare with other project management tools?

Wrike stands out with its robust feature set, including time tracking, real-time activity stream, and integrations with other software. It competes well with other project management tools by offering a comprehensive platform for complex project needs.

What pricing options does Wrike offer and how does it scale with team size?

Wrike provides both free and paid plans, the latter ranging from Business to Enterprise levels, accommodating various team sizes and requirements. The specific cost for larger teams is customizable upon request.

What do user reviews say about Wrike's effectiveness in managing projects?

Users typically praise Wrike for its powerful analytics, reporting capabilities, and collaborative editing features. These attributes have been noted to improve project management effectiveness for teams of varying sizes.

In what scenarios might Wrike not be the best choice for project management?

Wrike may not be optimal for very small teams or solo freelancers who require less complex tools or those who prioritize straightforward ease of use and affordability over a wide array of features.

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We may also use information from consumer reviews for articles on this blog. Information seen in this blog may be outdated or not accurate at times.
Please make an informed decision on your own regarding the information and data presented here.

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Disclosure: We may receive affiliate compensation for some of the links on our website if you decide to purchase a paid plan or service. You can read our affiliate disclosure, terms of use, and privacy policy. Information seen in this blog may be outdated or not accurate at times. This blog shares informational resources and opinions only for entertainment purposes, users are responsible for the actions they take and the decisions they make.

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