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12 Best Digital Planners in 2024

May 2, 2024

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12 Best Digital Planners Online in 2024

The transition from paper to computer isn't just about tech - it's about rethinking how we organize, plan, and even visualize our days. As the boundaries between work and leisure become increasingly fluid, the demand for a digital planner that can keep pace with our digital lives is needed. Let's walk you through the top digital planners today, and help you find the best solution.

What are The Best Digital Planners?

Let's take a look at some of the top digital planner solutions considering their key features, pros, and cons.

1. Notion

Notion review

Notion is an innovative workspace platform that seamlessly fuses note-taking, task management, and collaboration tools. With its modular "blocks" system, users can craft customized pages that range from intricate databases to simple checklists, all within the same ecosystem. This offers unparalleled flexibility.

Beyond personal organization, Notion excels as a collaborative platform. Teams can create shared workspaces, converse on projects in real time, and even set granular permissions for different members, ensuring security and control. Integration with other apps further extends its capabilities.

Its wiki-style organization means that knowledge bases can be developed, interlinking related pages and topics. Notion's aesthetic and intuitive design make it visually pleasing, encouraging users to adopt and regularly use the tool. Rate and review Notion yourself.

Get started with Notion

2. review

monday. com, dubbed a Work Operating System, seeks to consolidate work and collaboration into a singular vibrant platform. It uses color-coded boards to simplify complex workflows. At a glance, team members can determine the status, ownership, and progress of tasks. This visual representation, combined with its column-based structure, allows for versatile data representation and quick insights. Check out our monday full feature review to get more insights.

Beyond mere task management, delves deep into workflow automation. By setting up triggers and actions, teams can reduce manual, repetitive work, ensuring that the system takes care of routine processes. This automation can span from simple task assignments based on statuses to intricate workflows involving multiple boards and data points.

Integration and extensibility are central to's ethos. Whether it's syncing data from your CRM, automating actions via platforms like Zapier, or embedding live boards on other platforms, the tool ensures it can operate seamlessly within a broader digital ecosystem. This adaptability has made it a preferred choice for varied industries, from marketing agencies and tech startups to large-scale manufacturing units. Rate and review monday. com yourself.

Get started with monday. com

3. Trello


Trello is a visual board system based on the Kanban methodology. Users can intuitively create boards for different projects, lists for stages or categories, and cards for individual tasks. This visual representation makes project status instantly discernible.

Each card in Trello can hold a plethora of information, including comments, attachments, due dates, and labels. This makes it an excellent tool for both personal tasks and collaborative projects. Integration with platforms like Slack or Google Calendar further enhances its capabilities.

Trello’s adaptability is one of its strong suits. Whether planning a vacation, tracking editorial calendars, or managing software development, Trello’s structure and power-ups allow it to cater to varied needs. Rate and review Trello yourself.

Get started with Trello

4. Microsoft OneNote

Microsoft OneNote review

Microsoft OneNote can best be described as a digital binder. Its multi-layered structure of notebooks, sections, and pages allows for meticulous organization. Users can freely lay out their thoughts, diagrams, and notes anywhere on the canvas, emulating the freedom of pen and paper.

One significant advantage of OneNote is its seamless integration with other Microsoft products. Whether drawing data from Excel, referencing an email from Outlook, or integrating tasks with To Do, OneNote sits comfortably within the larger Microsoft ecosystem.

For educators and students, OneNote’s Class Notebook offers features tailored for the classroom. Features like content libraries, assignment distributions, and collaborative spaces make it a powerful tool for education. Rate and review Microsoft OneNote yourself.

Get started with Microsoft OneNote

5. Todoist

Todoist review

Todoist, at its essence, is about simplicity and productivity. As a task management tool, it swiftly captures tasks, breaks them down into sub-tasks, and allows users to prioritize using color-coded levels.

Beyond individual productivity, Todoist caters to team collaboration. Shared projects, task assignments, and comment threads ensure team members stay in sync. Recurring tasks, reminders, and natural language processing make daily task management a breeze.

The gamification of productivity is another unique aspect. With the Karma system, users earn points for task completion, maintaining streaks, and using advanced features, fostering a sense of achievement. Rate and review Todoist yourself.

Get started with Todoist

6. Google Keep

Google Keep review

Google Keep functions as a digital sticky-note platform. With its vibrant, tile-based interface, users can quickly jot down thoughts, create checklists, and save important snippets. The simplicity and speed of capturing thoughts make it an indispensable tool for those moments when you need to quickly save an idea or reminder.

One of Keep's strengths lies in its deep integration with other Google services. Whether you're setting reminders that appear on Google Calendar or transcribing voice memos saved on Google Drive, the synchronization ensures you're always connected. Collaborative features enable users to share individual notes with others, making collaborative list-making and task tracking straightforward.

Advanced features like image recognition and extraction of text from pictures differentiate Google Keep from traditional note apps. This allows users, for instance, to snap a photo of a document and then search for the text within that image, enhancing the utility of the tool. Rate and review Google Keep yourself.

Get started with Google Keep

7. Evernote

Evernote review

Evernote emerged as a pioneering force in digital note-taking. It provides a versatile platform for capturing ideas, whether as text notes, voice recordings, scanned documents, or clipped web articles. The organizational structure, with its notebooks and tags, allows for comprehensive categorization and easy retrieval.

One of Evernote's standout features is its search capability. It can recognize and search text within images or handwritten notes. This, combined with geo-tagging and extensive filtering options, ensures that even among thousands of notes, the one you need is always within reach.

For professionals and students alike, Evernote's template system offers a jumpstart. Whether you're crafting meeting agendas, planning projects, or taking class notes, there's likely a template available to streamline the process. Rate and review Evernote yourself.

Get started with Evernote

8. ClickUp

ClickUp review

ClickUp brands itself as the one-stop solution for all work tasks, and rightfully so. It offers a comprehensive suite of tasks, docs, goals, and communication. With its versatile views, from lists and boards to Gantt charts and calendars, users can visualize their work in multiple ways, suiting varied preferences.

Collaboration is at the heart of ClickUp. With features like assigned comments, threaded conversations, and real-time editing, team members can work cohesively. The tool's flexibility ensures it caters to a wide array of industries, from marketing and design to software development and event planning.

Customizability in ClickUp stands out. Whether it's creating custom fields for tasks, automating routine processes, or integrating with other tools, users can tailor the platform precisely to their workflow needs. Rate and review ClickUp yourself.

Get started with ClickUp

9. Apple Notes

Apple Notes review

Apple Notes delivers a straightforward yet powerful note-taking experience for users invested in the Apple ecosystem. With a clean interface, users can swiftly jot down thoughts, sketch ideas using Apple Pencil, or create detailed formatted notes.

Over the years, Apple has continuously enriched the Notes app with features like shared notes, pinned notes, and integrated document scanning. This has transformed it from a simple note-taker to a comprehensive tool suitable for diverse tasks, from planning projects to maintaining personal diaries.

Security and privacy, integral to Apple's philosophy, are evident in the Notes app. Features like locking individual notes and end-to-end encryption on synced notes ensure that your data remains private and secure. Rate and review Apple Notes yourself.

Get started with Apple Notes

10. Asana

Asana review

Asana stands tall as a comprehensive work management platform. It facilitates breaking projects down into actionable tasks, sub-tasks, and milestones, ensuring teams can track every detail. Its interface is intuitive, allowing users to switch between list, board, and timeline views, catering to various project management styles.

Beyond task tracking, Asana excels in fostering team collaboration. Features like task dependencies, comment threads, and project timelines ensure that team members are always aligned. Custom fields allow teams to add specific data points to tasks, making the platform adaptable to specific industry needs.

One of Asana's unique offerings is its "Portfolios" feature, which provides an overview of multiple projects. This ensures that managers and stakeholders can quickly gauge the health and progress of various initiatives at a glance. Rate and review Asana yourself.

Get started with Asana

11. Toggl Plan

Toggl Plan review

Toggl Plan positions itself as a visually-driven planning tool, perfect for teams and individuals seeking clarity in their projects. With a focus on timelines, Toggl Plan allows users to drag and drop tasks, making project planning and adjustments intuitive. This visual timeline representation makes it easy for teams to gauge the progress and foresee any bottlenecks or overlaps in their projects.

Beyond just task scheduling, Toggl Plan takes into account team workload and availability. By having a clear view of who's doing what and when managers can efficiently allocate resources and ensure that no team member is overburdened. This balance between individual workloads and collective project timelines encourages a more harmonized work environment.

For those who work on recurring cycles or iterative projects, Toggl Plan's templates come in handy. Instead of starting from scratch, teams can leverage these templates to kickstart their planning process, ensuring consistency and saving time. Its integration with Toggl Track also allows for seamless time tracking, marrying planning with actual task execution times. Rate and review Toggl Plan yourself.

Get started with Toggl Plan

12. Airtable

Airtable review

Airtable is best described as a spreadsheet on steroids. At first glance, it might resemble a typical spreadsheet application, but beneath the surface, it houses the capabilities of a powerful relational database. This unique blend allows users to structure their data in diverse ways, from simple lists to intricate multi-table databases, catering to a myriad of use cases.

Where Airtable truly shines is its flexibility. Each "base" (akin to a spreadsheet or database) can house different types of fields, including single-line text, drop-down lists, checkboxes, attachments, and even links to records in other tables. This structure permits intricate relationships between data points, making it suitable for everything from content calendars and CRM systems to inventory management and event planning.

The visual views in Airtable further its utility. Beyond the grid view, users can switch to calendar views for date-specific data, Kanban boards for task management, or gallery views for visual-centric data. Coupled with its extensive integration capabilities, Airtable can easily become the central hub for data in many workflows. Rate and review Airtable yourself.

Get started with Airtable

Why Digital Planners Over Traditional Ones?

The digital revolution has transformed many aspects of our lives, including how we manage our time and tasks. While the tangible charm of a traditional planner cannot be denied, digital planners have come into the limelight for a myriad of reasons.

Mobility and Convenience

Modern life demands a level of flexibility and mobility that traditional planners, with their physical constraints, can't always provide. Here's why digital planners lead in this realm:

  • Instant Accessibility: With a digital planner, your schedule is always just a tap away, whether you're on your way to a meeting, traveling overseas, or sitting in a café. It's about having your life's roadmap anytime, anywhere.


  • Lightweight: Remember the days of carrying around a heavy leather-bound planner? Those days are behind us. With digital planners, you're only limited by the weight of your device, which often has multiple functions beyond just planning.

Features and Integration

What sets digital planners apart from their paper counterparts is the array of advanced features they boast.

  • Synchronization: With digital planners, you can easily sync your schedule across multiple devices. If you pencil in an appointment on your phone, you can later view or edit it on your tablet or laptop.

  • Reminders and Alerts: Traditional planners rely on you constantly checking them. Digital ones? They'll notify you of an upcoming meeting, a task deadline, or a birthday reminder. 

  • Integration Capabilities: Many digital planners integrate seamlessly with other apps. Need to pull in a date from your email? Or maybe a task from your project management software? Digital planners often allow for such streamlined integrations.

  • Customization: Tailor your digital planner to fit your personal style and needs. Whether it's changing the display, adjusting the layout, or using a specific template for note-taking, digital planners offer a level of customization hard to achieve with pen and paper.


As we edge towards more sustainable lifestyles, every decision counts. This includes the choice between paper and digital planning.

  • Reduced Paper Waste: The immediate benefit of going digital is the reduced need for paper. With fewer trees being cut for paper production, you're directly contributing to a greener earth.

  • Sustainability: With a traditional planner, a new purchase is required every year, leading to more waste. Digital planners can be used year after year without any physical waste.

  • Energy Efficiency: Advanced technologies are now focusing on creating devices that are energy efficient. Thus, using a digital planner on a device with good energy efficiency is still more eco-friendly than continuously buying paper-based planners.

While traditional planners will always hold nostalgic value for many, the modern-day demands of flexibility, functionality, and sustainability make digital planners an attractive choice for the contemporary individual. Whether you're a student, a professional, or someone just looking to organize your life a tad bit better, the digital world has a planner tailored for you.

Digital planners reviews

Choosing a Digital Planner

The world of digital planners is as vast as it is varied. With so many options, features, and integrations available, making an informed choice can be daunting. Let’s break down the essentials to consider, ensuring your digital planner is a true ally in your productivity journey.

Device Compatibility

The beauty of digital planners is their ability to adapt and function across various devices. However not all planners are created equal. Delve into this:

  • Cross-Platform Support: Whether you’re an Apple aficionado, a dedicated Android user, or someone who flits between Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring your planner is available and fully functional across your devices is key. Some planners may not have a dedicated app for every platform, so research is crucial.

  • Mobile vs. Desktop: While most of us prefer jotting down quick notes or tasks on the go with our phones, intensive planning sessions might be more comfortable on a desktop or tablet. Think about your preferred device for planning and ensure the software offers a compatible, user-friendly version for it.

  • Offline Accessibility: Internet connectivity shouldn't be a constant requirement. Does your chosen planner function offline? Can you make updates without Wi-Fi and trust them to sync once you're connected again?

User Interface & Experience

Usability can make or break your relationship with a digital planner. Even the planner with the most advanced features can be useless if you don’t find it intuitive or pleasant to use.

  • Simplicity vs. Complexity: Are you looking for a straightforward, easy-to-navigate planner, or do you crave more detailed features and customizable options? Understanding your preference can help narrow down choices.

  • Customization: Do you want to change themes, color schemes, or even the structure of your planning pages? Some planners offer templated pages, while others might allow for more profound personalization.

  • Tutorial and Support: Especially with feature-rich planners, having access to comprehensive tutorials and responsive customer support can make all the difference. It's an aspect often overlooked but essential for a smoother experience.

Integration Options

How your planner communicates with other apps and services is of paramount importance.

  • App Ecosystem: Whether it’s pulling in meetings from Zoom, tasks from Asana, or notes from Evernote, the ability of your digital planner to integrate seamlessly can be a massive boon for efficiency.

  • Automations and Bots: Some advanced planners allow for automations, where certain triggers lead to specific actions, like moving a completed task to a specific folder or automatically scheduling follow-ups. 

  • Collaboration Features: If you're part of a team, or even if you just want to share occasional tasks or events with family members, a planner's collaboration features—like shared tasks, joint calendars, or real-time collaboration—become vital.

Security and Privacy

Data is the new gold, and ensuring that your information remains private and secure is a non-negotiable.

  • Data Encryption: Check if the planner offers end-to-end encryption, ensuring that your data remains only yours.

  • Backup and Recovery: Accidents happen. Whether it’s a misplaced device or a software glitch, the ability to recover your planner’s data from a backup is invaluable.

  • Privacy Policies: It's worthwhile to give that privacy policy a read. Where is your data stored? How is it used? Is it shared with third parties? 

Final Thoughts

From managing daily tasks to strategizing long-term goals, the right digital planner becomes an extension of our thoughts, ambitions, and aspirations. It's not merely about replacing paper with pixels; it's about leveraging technology to bring clarity, efficiency, and purpose to our often chaotic lives.

While the myriad of options may seem overwhelming, the journey to find the perfect planner is, in itself, a lesson in understanding our own needs and preferences. It's an invitation to introspect, prioritize, and ultimately, optimize.

So, as you step into this digital realm of planning, remember: it's not about chasing the newest or the most popular tool. It's about discovering what resonates with you, what complements your workflow, and what empowers you to achieve more.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the primary benefits of using a digital planner over a traditional one?  

Digital planners offer enhanced mobility, integration with other apps, customizable interfaces, eco-friendliness, and the ability to easily edit and rearrange plans without messy erasures or overwrites.

Can I access my digital planner offline?  

Most digital planners allow offline access, enabling you to make updates and check your tasks. Changes typically sync when you're reconnected to the internet.

Is my data safe in a digital planner?  

Many digital planners prioritize user data security by offering encryption and regular software updates. However, always review the planner's privacy policy and security measures to ensure optimal protection.

Can I use a digital planner on both my phone and computer?  

Yes, many modern digital planners offer cross-platform synchronization, allowing seamless planning and updates across multiple devices.

Are digital planners expensive?  

While some digital planners have premium features requiring a subscription or one-time fee, many quality options are available for free or at a minimal cost.

Can I share tasks or events from my digital planner with others?  

Many digital planners have collaboration features, enabling you to share specific tasks, notes, or calendar events with others, making joint planning easier.

How often should I back up my digital planner data?  

Regular backups are advisable. Depending on how often you update your planner, consider daily, weekly, or monthly backups to prevent data loss.

Can I customize the appearance of my digital planner?  

Most digital planners offer varying degrees of customization, from changing themes and color schemes to rearranging the layout and structure of planning pages.

Will my digital planner integrate with other apps I use?  

Many digital planners are designed to integrate with popular apps like Google Calendar, Evernote, and Trello. However, the degree and depth of integration may vary, so it's essential to check the specifics for each planner.

What happens if the digital planner service I use gets discontinued?  

If a service gets discontinued, users are typically provided with a way to export or backup their data. It's a good practice to keep regular backups and stay updated on the software's developments to be prepared for any such eventualities.

Disclosure: We may receive affiliate compensation for some of the links on our website if you decide to purchase a paid plan or service. You can read our affiliate disclosure, terms of use, and our privacy policy. This blog shares informational resources and opinions only for entertainment purposes, users are responsible for the actions they take and the decisions they make.

This blog may share reviews and opinions on products, services, and other digital assets. The consumer review section on this website is for consumer reviews only by real users, and information on this blog may conflict with these consumer reviews and opinions.

We may also use information from consumer reviews for articles on this blog. Information seen in this blog may be outdated or not accurate at times. Please make an informed decision on your own regarding the information and data presented here.

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