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9 Best ERP Systems in 2024

April 10, 2024

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The 9 Best ERP Systems in 2024

Businesses always look for efficiency, flexibility, transparency, and other functionalities to optimize their operations. In comes Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, powerful tools that seamlessly combine business processes into a singular, unified platform to help manage it all from one place.

There are many ERP systems on the market and it's important to choose the most suitable one for your business. Let's talk about the best ERP software today, the pros, cons, and key features of them to help you find the best system for you.

What are the Best ERP Systems?

We made a list of some of the best Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems that your business can levegare today, with pros cons and features.


SAP S/4HANA review

SAP S/4HANA stands out as a cutting-edge ERP software known for its capability to integrate various business processes. It’s able to provide real-time data analytics, and aids in streamlined operations and enhanced decision-making. The software is crafted to replace traditional SAP systems, utilizing in-memory computing and a simplified data model to foster efficiency, agility, and innovation across organizations.

The core advantage of SAP S/4HANA lies in its ability to provide a unified view of business processes, which facilitates faster decision-making. The in-memory computing feature significantly accelerates data processing, allowing for real-time analytics and insights. This becomes crucial for large enterprises dealing with vast amounts of data and seeking to gain a competitive edge through swift decision-making.

SAP S/4HANA's simplified data model reduces the data footprint and eliminates redundancies, ensuring that the system remains efficient and easy to navigate. By aiding in digital transformation, SAP S/4HANA helps organizations to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving business landscape. Rate and review SAP S/4HANA yourself.

Pricing: Pricing based on user equivalents, tailored for larger enterprises. Check website for price changes.

Get started with SAP S/4HANA

2. Oracle NetSuite

Oracle NetSuite review

Oracle NetSuite is a cloud-based ERP solution revered for its end-to-end functionality across diverse business landscapes. It is highly scalable, catering to various industries, making it a popular choice among different organizations. NetSuite's modules for financial management, CRM, e-commerce, and more, present a versatile solution for businesses of all sizes. 

The real-time data access provided by Oracle NetSuite empowers organizations with the ability to make timely and informed decisions. Its customization options further enhance its appeal as it can be tailored to meet specific business needs. The scalability feature ensures that as a business grows, NetSuite can adapt to the changing requirements, making it a long-term solution for many enterprises.

Moreover, Oracle NetSuite's cloud-based architecture ensures that organizations have the flexibility and agility needed in the modern business environment. By centralizing business operations and data, it aids in driving growth, enhancing decision-making, and efficiently managing operations. Rate and review Oracle NetSuite yourself.

Pricing: Starts at $999/month plus $99 per additional user. Check website for price changes.

Get started with Oracle NetSuite

3. Microsoft Dynamics 365

microsoft dynamics 365 review

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a versatile ERP system that stands out for its seamless integration with other Microsoft products like Office 365. This integration extends to modules for finance, supply chain management, and customer relationship management (CRM), creating a cohesive environment for managing various business functions.

The cloud-based accessibility of Microsoft Dynamics 365 allows for a flexible and scalable approach to business management. With advanced analytics, it empowers organizations to make data-driven decisions, optimize processes, and drive business growth. The seamless integration of various business functions like finance, supply chain, sales, and customer service ensures streamlined operations and enhanced productivity.

Furthermore, the synergy between Microsoft Dynamics 365 and other Microsoft products creates a familiar and user-friendly environment for users. This integration makes it easier for organizations to adopt Microsoft Dynamics 365, thereby promoting enhanced productivity and efficiency across business processes. Rate and review Microsoft Dynamics yourself.

Pricing: Ranges from $70 to $300 per user, per month. Check website for price changes.

Get started with Dynamics 365

4. Infor CloudSuite

Infor CloudSuite review

Infor CloudSuite is a comprehensive ERP software solution offering a cloud-based platform to streamline and optimize core operations of businesses. It encompasses various domains including financial management, human resources, supply chain, and customer relationship management, providing real-time data, analytics, and scalability. This diverse functionality fosters a holistic approach to managing different aspects of business operations.

The user-friendly interface alongside robust features makes Infor CloudSuite a viable choice for organizations aiming to enhance efficiency and make data-driven decisions. Its cloud-based architecture not only provides ease of access but also ensures that businesses can adapt to changing market demands swiftly. The real-time data and analytics capability aids in informed decision-making and process optimization.

The scalability of Infor CloudSuite ensures that it grows with the business, making it a sustainable solution for long-term business management. By centralizing critical business operations and data, it enables organizations to maintain a streamlined workflow, thereby enhancing overall productivity and efficiency. Rate and review Infor CloudSuite yourself.

Pricing: Pricing details are not publicly available. Check website for price changes.

Get started with Infor CloudSuite

5. Epicor ERP

Epicor ERP review

Epicor ERP is a robust solution tailored for manufacturers and distributors. It offers modules for finance, manufacturing, supply chain management, and more, enabling organizations to efficiently manage their resources and improve productivity. Its user-friendly interface and robust features make it a powerful tool for enhancing productivity and competitiveness in the modern business landscape.

The system's focus on industries with complex manufacturing requirements makes it a specialized tool capable of handling intricate business processes. The flexibility and comprehensive feature set of Epicor ERP enable organizations to tailor the system to meet their specific needs, thereby promoting efficiency and informed decision-making.

Epicor ERP's ability to provide real-time data and insights allows for better resource management and strategic planning. By offering a centralized platform for managing various business operations, it aids in aligning different organizational segments toward achieving common business goals. Rate and review Epicor ERP yourself.

Pricing: Pricing not publicly disclosed, tailored for mid-sized businesses. Check website for price changes.

Get started with Epicor ERP

6. Acumatica

Acumatica review

Acumatica is a cloud-based ERP system known for its flexibility and scalability, making it an excellent choice for growing businesses. It can be customized to suit various industries, and offers comprehensive financial management, customer relationship management, and project accounting capabilities. The cloud-based, flexible, and customizable architecture of Acumatica stands out, allowing businesses to adapt and scale efficiently.

The real-time data insights provided by Acumatica empower organizations to make informed decisions and optimize their processes. Its robust collaboration tools further enhance organizational efficiency by promoting seamless communication and coordination among teams.

Acumatica’s focus on providing a user-friendly and intuitive interface ensures that organizations can easily adapt to the system. Its ability to streamline various business processes while providing insightful analytics makes it a comprehensive solution for managing and growing businesses. Rate and review Acumatica yourself.

Pricing: Charges based on resources used, not per user. Check website for price changes.

Get started with Acumatica

7. Sage Intacct

Sage Intacct review

Sage Intacct is a cloud-based financial management solution, designed predominantly for small and mid-sized businesses. While it chiefly focuses on financials, it integrates seamlessly with other business applications, providing a holistic approach to managing various business operations. The core features include accounting, budgeting, and reporting which are crucial for financial oversight and strategic planning.

Designed for scalability, Sage Intacct is equipped to streamline core business processes, making it a viable option for growing businesses. The user-friendly interface coupled with real-time data access enables efficient decision-making, thereby supporting business growth. Additionally, its capability to integrate with other business applications enhances its versatility and ensures a unified business management experience.

Sage Intacct's cloud-based architecture allows for accessible and real-time financial management, which is critical for timely decision-making and performance monitoring. By automating and centralizing financial management processes, Sage Intacct aids in reducing operational inefficiencies and promoting financial transparency across organizations. Rate and review Sage Intacct yourself.

Pricing: Begins around $400 per month. Check website for price changes.

Get started with Sage Intacct

8. IFS Applications

IFS Applications review

IFS Applications is a leading global enterprise software solution provider offering a comprehensive suite of business applications designed to streamline and optimize operations for organizations worldwide. With a strong focus on industries like manufacturing, aerospace, and defense, it delivers scalable and adaptable solutions that empower businesses to enhance efficiency and achieve strategic objectives.

The versatility of IFS Applications lies in its ability to provide a wide range of business applications that cater to various industry-specific requirements. Its scalability ensures that the software grows with the business, adapting to evolving operational needs. Moreover, its focus on industries with complex operational requirements makes it a highly specialized tool for managing intricate business processes.

By offering a unified platform for managing various business operations, IFS Applications aids in improving decision-making and achieving strategic objectives. Its ability to deliver industry-specific solutions makes it a reliable choice for organizations looking to optimize their operations and enhance efficiency. Rate and review IFS Applications yourself.

Pricing: Custom pricing based on modules and user count. Check website for price changes.

Get started with IFS Applications

9. Workday Financial Management

Workday Financial Management review

Workday Financial Management is a cloud-based solution with a strong focus on financials and human capital management. It's particularly popular with service-based businesses and organizations in need of agile financial tools. The system offers comprehensive tools for accounting, financial planning, and analytics, thus providing a robust platform for managing financial operations.

The user-friendly interface coupled with cloud-based architecture enables efficient management of financial data, budgeting, and reporting. This is crucial for organizations aiming to enhance their financial performance and make data-driven decisions. The human capital management feature further augments its value by providing tools necessary for workforce planning and analysis.

Workday Financial Management's ability to streamline financial operations and provide real-time insights into financial data helps organizations maintain financial stability and forecast future financial scenarios. This holistic approach towards financial and human capital management makes Workday Financial Management a comprehensive solution for modern organizations striving for financial agility and operational efficiency. Rate and review Financial Management yourself.

Pricing: Based on Salesforce platform, varies by customization and scale. Check website for price changes.

Get started with Workday Financial Management

What is an ERP System?

An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is an integrated suite of software applications designed to automate, streamline, and centralize various business processes across an organization.

Benefits of Using an ERP System

  • Centralized Data Storage: By acting as a single repository for all business data, ERP systems ensure consistency, accuracy, and data integrity, eliminating the redundancy of maintaining multiple databases.


  • Enhanced Decision-Making: With real-time data and analytics capabilities, ERP systems provide actionable insights. Managers and executives can make informed decisions, backed by accurate data, thereby optimizing strategy and operations.


  • Operational Efficiency: By automating repetitive tasks and streamlining processes, ERP systems reduce manual efforts, errors, and operational costs, leading to increased productivity.


  • Improved Customer Service: With integrated CRM modules, ERP systems help businesses gain a 360-degree view of their customers. This facilitates better engagement, improved service, and tailored experiences for clients.


  • Regulatory Compliance and Reporting: Modern ERP systems come equipped with features that help businesses adhere to industry regulations. They simplify reporting, ensuring that companies stay compliant without added stress.

Core Modules of an ERP System

While ERP solutions can be vast and varied, there are some core modules that are typically found across systems:

  • Financial Management: Manages accounting, cash flow, capital assets, and financial reporting.


  • Human Resources: Handles recruitment, payroll, training, and talent management.


  • Supply Chain Management: Focuses on procurement, inventory control, order management, and logistics.


  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Manages sales, customer support, and client engagement activities.


  • Manufacturing: Streamlines production, from raw material procurement to finished product delivery.

ERP Deployment Models

The two primary deployment models for ERP systems are on-premise and cloud-based. On-premise systems are hosted locally on the company's servers and infrastructure, while cloud-based systems are hosted on the vendor's servers and accessed via the internet. Each model has its own set of advantages and considerations, with factors like cost, scalability, customization, and security playing pivotal roles in the decision-making process.

ERP review

Factors to Consider When Choosing an ERP System

An ERP system should be adaptable, not only catering to a business's current needs but also capable of supporting growth and expansion. Think about how many users the system can support, its ability to handle larger data volumes, and whether you can add new modules or features as your business grows.

Customization and Flexibility

Every business operates differently. Therefore, the ERP system chosen should allow for adjustments tailored to the specific processes and workflows of your business. This includes the flexibility to choose specific modules, customize features, and seamlessly integrate with existing tools and systems.

Ease of Integration

With businesses relying on various software solutions, it's essential for an ERP system to integrate effortlessly with other platforms. Check for robust APIs, pre-built integrations with popular tools, and consider how system updates might affect these integrations.

User Experience and Training

The success of ERP adoption largely depends on its usability and the availability of training resources. Opt for systems with user-friendly interfaces and those that offer comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and continuous support.

Cost Implications

While an ERP system is an investment, it's vital to understand the associated costs, including initial setup fees, ongoing maintenance, and any hidden expenses. This ensures that the system offers a good return on investment without straining the business financially.

Data Security and Compliance

Data is invaluable, making its protection crucial. An ideal ERP system should have stringent data encryption protocols, robust access controls, and adhere to compliance standards relevant to your industry.

Vendor Reputation and Reliability

Lastly, the reputation of the ERP vendor plays a significant role in the system's reliability and performance. Research customer reviews, consider the vendor's experience in the ERP market, and evaluate their post-purchase support offerings.

ERP systems

Comparing ERP Systems: What's Right for You?

Before diving into comparisons, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of what your business truly needs. This includes listing out current operational challenges, forecasting future requirements, and determining the goals you hope to achieve with an ERP system. By identifying these specifics, you can ensure that the chosen ERP solution aligns perfectly with your business objectives.

Feature Set Analysis

All ERP systems offer a core set of functionalities, but their specialized features can vary significantly. When comparing systems, closely analyze these features to determine which align with your business processes. Whether it's advanced analytics, industry-specific modules, or integrated AI capabilities, the right feature set can greatly enhance your operational efficiency.

Deployment Options

ERP systems can be deployed either on-premise or in the cloud. Each comes with its own set of benefits and limitations. On-premise solutions might offer greater control and customization but may require significant upfront investments in infrastructure.

Cloud solutions, on the other hand, are scalable and can be more cost-effective but might limit customization. Choose a deployment option that best suits your business's budget, scalability needs, and technical expertise.

Total Cost of Ownership

Beyond the initial investment, consider the total cost of ownership (TCO) over time. This includes factors like licensing fees, maintenance costs, potential upgrade expenses, and training costs. By analyzing the TCO, you can ensure that the ERP system remains cost-effective in the long run and offers a favorable return on investment.

Vendor Support and Community

An ERP system is not a one-time purchase; it's a long-term relationship with the vendor. Assess the level of support the vendor provides, both during and post-implementation. Additionally, a strong user community can be a valuable resource, offering insights, troubleshooting tips, and best practices from businesses with similar experiences.

Ease of Integration and Customization

Your business likely already uses a range of software solutions. Therefore, the chosen ERP system should integrate seamlessly with these existing tools. Further, as your business evolves, you might need to make adjustments to the ERP. Ensure that the system allows for easy customization without incurring exorbitant costs or complexities.

User Feedback and Reviews

Lastly, consider feedback from businesses that have implemented the ERP systems you're considering. User reviews, case studies, and testimonials can provide real-world insights into the system's strengths, challenges, and overall performance. Such firsthand experiences can be invaluable in making an informed decision.

ERP Software review

Future of ERP Systems: A Glimpse into Tomorrow

As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies continue to mature, they will play an even more pivotal role in ERP systems.

Automated data analysis, predictive analytics, and intelligent process automation will streamline operations and provide businesses with unprecedented insights. Imagine ERP systems forecasting market demands autonomously, optimizing supply chains in real-time, or even predicting equipment malfunctions before they occur.

Integration of IoT Devices

The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution is leading to a surge in connected devices across industries. From manufacturing machinery to retail inventory trackers, these devices will feed real-time data into ERP systems. This connectivity will enhance visibility into operations, facilitate instantaneous decision-making, and open doors to innovative business models and strategies.

Augmented and Virtual Reality

AR and VR technologies are set to revolutionize the user experience of ERP systems. Whether it's virtual training sessions for employees, augmented data visualization for decision-makers, or immersive product design and development interfaces, these technologies will make ERP interactions more intuitive and impactful.

Cloud-First Approach

While cloud-based ERP solutions are already popular, the future will likely see an even stronger shift towards a cloud-first approach. The benefits of scalability, cost-effectiveness, and remote accessibility will drive businesses to prefer cloud solutions over traditional on-premise systems. Moreover, with advancements in security protocols, businesses will have increased confidence in storing their critical data in the cloud.

Enhanced User Experiences

The next generation of ERP systems will prioritize user experience (UX) like never before. Leveraging advanced UI designs, voice recognition, and even gesture controls, these systems will aim to be as user-friendly as consumer apps. This focus on UX will not only reduce the learning curve for users but also enhance productivity and system adoption rates.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility Metrics

As businesses globally emphasize sustainability and social responsibility, future ERP systems will integrate metrics to track, analyze, and optimize these areas. From carbon footprint calculations to supply chain ethics evaluations, ERP solutions will provide companies with tools to meet their sustainability goals and report on their social responsibility initiatives.

Blockchain Integration

Blockchain's transparent and immutable nature makes it a promising technology for ERP systems, especially in sectors like supply chain management and finance. By integrating blockchain, ERP systems can offer enhanced data security, transparent transaction histories, and streamlined contractual processes through smart contracts.

Final Thoughts

The journey of ERP systems, from their inception to their future projections, underscores their transformative impact on businesses worldwide. As the nexus of technology and commerce continually evolves, so too will the capabilities and features of ERP solutions.

For businesses, the key lies in embracing this evolution - leveraging the power of these systems not just as operational tools but as strategic assets. As we look ahead, the fusion of innovations like AI, IoT, AR, VR, and blockchain with ERP platforms promises a future where business processes are more streamlined, decisions more data-driven, and visions more achievable. By aligning with the right ERP system today, businesses can position themselves at the forefront of tomorrow's successes.

Frequently Asked Question

What does ERP stand for and what is its primary purpose?

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. Its primary purpose is to integrate various business processes and functions across an organization into one unified system, facilitating streamlined operations, better data management, and informed decision-making.

How long does it typically take to implement an ERP system?

The implementation time for an ERP system can vary widely depending on the size of the business, the complexity of its operations, and the specific ERP solution chosen. On average, it can take anywhere from a few months to over a year.

Can small businesses benefit from ERP systems, or are they only for large corporations?

While ERP systems were traditionally associated with large corporations, many modern solutions cater specifically to small and medium-sized businesses. These systems are scaled to fit the needs and budgets of smaller enterprises, offering them the benefits of integrated business processes and enhanced efficiency.

Is it possible to customize an ERP system to fit my business's unique needs?

Yes, many ERP systems offer a degree of customization. Depending on the system, businesses can choose specific modules, adjust features, and sometimes even tailor the user interface. However, the level of customization can vary, so it's essential to discuss this aspect with the ERP vendor beforehand.

How do cloud-based ERP systems differ from on-premise solutions?

Cloud-based ERP systems are hosted on the vendor's servers and accessed via the internet, eliminating the need for businesses to invest in their own IT infrastructure. They often offer more scalability and flexibility than on-premise solutions. In contrast, on-premise ERP systems are installed on a company's own servers, giving them more control but usually at a higher initial cost.

How secure is my data in an ERP system?

Reputable ERP vendors prioritize data security, employing encryption, access controls, and regular security audits. However, security can vary between systems, so it's crucial to discuss data protection measures with the vendor and ensure they meet your business's standards.

Are ERP systems mobile-friendly?

Many modern ERP systems offer mobile compatibility, either through responsive design or dedicated mobile apps. This functionality allows employees to access the system and perform tasks from smartphones and tablets, promoting flexibility and remote work.

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This blog may share reviews and opinions on products, services, and other digital assets. The consumer review section on this website is for consumer reviews only by real users, and information on this blog may conflict with these consumer reviews and opinions.

We may also use information from consumer reviews for articles on this blog. Information seen in this blog may be outdated or not accurate at times. Please make an informed decision on your own regarding the information and data presented here.

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