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6 Reasons Companies Outsource HubSpot and Salesforce CRM Management

June 16, 2024 • Written by

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Why Companies Outsource HubSpot and Salesforce

Your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is the heart of your business operations. It holds the data of your customer interactions and provides critical insights that drive sales and customer satisfaction. 

Outsourcing CRM operations has become increasingly popular over the years, with companies opting to work with external CRM consultants to advise and implement new processes. At ScaleOps, we’ve observed several reasons our clients choose to outsource their HubSpot and Salesforce operations with us rather than hiring in-house. This article summarizes the key reasons you may choose to outsource this role.

1. Cost Efficiency

Outsourcing expert CRM management is often more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house team. To implement and manage a CRM such as HubSpot and Salesforce, you need a team of experts that can guide you at each stage.

By outsourcing, companies convert these fixed costs into variable costs, paying only for the services they need at the time, for example, the implementation phase may be more resource-intensive than the ongoing management.

There are also broader cost-saving implications, including reduced hiring and training costs, and lower overhead expenses such as benefits and office space. A study by Deloitte found that cost reduction remains the primary driver for outsourcing, with companies reporting savings of 15-30% through outsourcing their CRM functions.

By outsourcing, you can scale up and down based on your changing business needs. This approach can lead to substantial savings, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that may not have the budget for a full-fledged IT department.

6 Reasons Companies Outsource HubSpot and Salesforce CRM Management

2. Access to Expertise

The complexity of modern CRMs like HubSpot and Salesforce requires continuous learning and adaptation. They require specialized knowledge to set up, customize, and maintain. Outsourcing providers invest heavily in training their staff and keeping up with the latest updates and features.

For instance, a survey showed that companies with access to top-tier CRM expertise reported a 20% increase in sales productivity and a 25% improvement in customer satisfaction.

Outsourcing provides you with access to a pool of experts who are well-versed in the latest CRM technologies and automation & integration solutions, and best practices. These experts ensure your CRM is configured in the best way possible, always up-to-date, and aligned with the company’s business goals.

An outsourced expert will have worked with dozens of companies similar to yours and be well-versed in both the technical side and sales and marketing operations best practices. It’s often difficult to cultivate this level of experience internally.

6 Reasons Companies Outsource HubSpot and Salesforce CRM

3. Scalability and Flexibility

As your company scales and grows, your CRM needs to evolve along with it. During seasonal peaks or business expansions, the ability to quickly scale operations can be a significant advantage.

For example, a retail company experiencing a surge during the holiday season can benefit from an outsourced CRM team that can swiftly increase support staff and enhance system capabilities to handle higher transaction volumes.

Outsourcing CRM experts gives you greater scalability and flexibility. An outsourced provider can quickly adjust the level of service to match these changing requirements, whether it involves scaling up during peak periods or scaling down during slower times. This flexibility ensures that the CRM system remains efficient and cost-effective at all times.

Companies Outsource HubSpot and Salesforce CRM Management

4. Improved Data Management and Analytics

Effective CRM management involves not only data collection but also data analysis and reporting. Outsourcing partners typically offer advanced data management and analytics capabilities.

They help you gain deeper insights into customer behavior, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to enhance customer engagement and drive sales. With the advent of AI and machine learning, outsourced CRM experts offer sophisticated analytics solutions combined with integration into your existing systems.

These tools can predict customer behavior, optimize marketing campaigns, and improve lead management. A study indicated that companies using advanced CRM analytics experienced a 15% increase in lead conversion rates.

6 Reasons Companies Outsource HubSpot and Salesforce CRM

5. Full Stack Support and Maintenance Backed by a Full Team

CRM systems require continuous monitoring and maintenance to function optimally. Outsourcing providers offer full-stack support in all areas to ensure that any issues are promptly addressed, and major issues are converted.

With the backing of a full team, your outsourced experts gain access to their internal resources to address a wide variety of issues that may come up. For example, their team may include developers and experts on alternative software giving you access to a wide range of talent based on the task at hand.

6 Reasons Companies Outsource HubSpot and Salesforce CRMs

6. Faster Implementation and Upgrades

Outsourcing significantly reduces the time required to implement and upgrade a CRM system. HubSpot and Salesforce partners are in direct contact with the company and are up-to-date on all feature updates and upgrades.

Working with certified professionals gives you direct access to the most up-to-date CRM developments. Your partners manage regular updates and upgrades, ensuring that the system remains current with the latest features and functionalities.

Outsourcing providers ensure that the CRM system is seamlessly integrated with other business applications, reducing the risk of disruptions during upgrades. Faster implementation means quicker realization of CRM benefits such as improved sales processes and enhanced customer service. 

Outsource HubSpot and Salesforce CRM

Outsourcing CRM Experts for Quick Wins and Long-Term Results

Outsourcing CRM management offers numerous benefits, from cost savings and access to expertise to enhanced security and scalability. By partnering with an experienced provider, companies can ensure their CRM system is managed efficiently, allowing them to focus on their core business activities and achieve their strategic objectives.

As the business landscape continues to evolve, outsourcing CRM management will likely remain a popular choice for companies seeking to maximize their operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Working with top CRM experts offers both immediate and long-term advantages, enabling companies to achieve quick wins and sustainable growth. By leveraging the specialized knowledge and flexibility of outsourced professionals, you can optimize your CRM, enhance data management, and scale. This approach reduces costs and accelerates implementation and upgrade. 

As companies continue to navigate the complexities of choosing, implementing, and ongoing management of your CRM, partnering with an experienced provider like ScaleOps ensures your CRM operations are managed efficiently, allowing businesses to focus on their core activities and achieve strategic objectives.

ScaleOps specializes in outsourced CRM services, delivering expert solutions tailored to meet your unique business needs.

About ScaleOps

At ScaleOps, we run your HubSpot operations in the best way possible. We specialize in HubSpot Onboarding, Rev Ops as a Service, and integrations. Rate and review ScaleOps on Digital Products, and share your thoughts and opinions with everyone!

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